The Youngest Bestseller Award wining Author

The Youngest Bestseller Award wining Author
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Vedant, a ‘Wunderkind,’ by all means, would give many a professional in their fields a run for their money. An author, science and robotics aficionado, chess genius, musical marvel, football and boxing enthusiast, the list of his talents is inexhaustible.

He is one of the youngest authors we have today. When children his age were learning to read and write, he was telling stories and narrating poems. The ‘Bedtime stories’ is his second book in this series, containing his choicest literary creation of children’s short stories. A pure reading pleasure. 

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With a published work, ‘Children’s Story And Poetry’ at the tender age of five. He is an avid reader, and a bibliophile, having a collection of over five hundred books, including sixty-plus chess books. 

This child prodigy is not only multi-talented, but a genius in many regards. He is a skilful chess player and spends three to four hours playing chess or solving various puzzle games. And aims to be a chess grandmaster. A football enthusiast, he loves cycling, running, and boxing as his natural requirement of physical activity. He plays on his Xbox Kinect, golf and baseball to keep himself physically engaged.

He can play several musical instruments, where, ‘Tabla’, being his favourite.

Though, himself a student of class I, he can solve mathematical problems of class VI level( level 100 for class 6). He showed remarkable acumen and interest in Elenco SC-100 (small circuits), when he could barely sit. Within six months, he had progressed to SC-750. Developed interest in science as early as one and a half years of age and subscribes to ‘Flintobox’ and ‘Magic Crate’ meant for children over ten to twelve years of age. 

His favourite toy is Lego EV3 and Arduino, with which he spends hours debugging and exploring several sensors. He has many ideas for the robotic projects he wants to implement.

He has symbols of a periodic table of elements committed to his memory and spends time learning more. 

The author, now turned seven years old, continues to evince exceptional ingenuity with words and phrases in the form of stories and poems. His sheer versatility is seeking newer terrains for intellectual exploration as his parents guide and nurture this rare gift, Vedanta Parashar.  

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